For those familiar with my story, you know I severely hurt my back a number of years ago, and while I am pain free now, I work on my back and core strength every day. While I did not suffer from Hyperkyphosis, I sometimes see it with my clients. When I came across this wonderful article explaining it, I reached out to the author to see if she would be a guest writer.
So let me introduce you to Sheena Taggart and her own words below.
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to introduce myself and my new business. My name is Sheena Taggart and my business is Connective Wellness Therapeutic Massage. Recently I finished my schooling at MH Vicars School of Massage Therapy and became a Registered Massage Therapist. For the last 9 years I have worked for Canada Post in Springbank and Redwood Meadows and can’t wait to see my customers again in my new profession!
I chose this profession because of what I have experienced with my body and the medical professionals that helped me get to where I am today. I have seen an upper cervical chiropractor who would manipulate the first cervical vertebra as well as provided a stretching booklet that was followed by me. In the 7 years since I have maintained the adjustment with very few appointments since. With my physiotherapist I have worked on all kinds of problems such as rotator cuff muscle imbalance, sciatic issues, anterior pelvic tilt, and chronic tight neck and shoulders. I found if I kept up with my stretches and strengthening I wouldn’t need to go back. The problem is I didn’t always do my stretches and strengthen.
It was with massage that I found I was getting more lasting benefits. I talked to my massage therapist about all the many things she can treat and realized massage was something I could be passionate about. In school I learned about myofascial release which is the connective tissue that is between the skin and muscle, as well as surrounds the muscles and organs. I started doing myofascial release on my classmates, my massage volunteers that I had as homework, and myself. I am currently seeing a myofascial specialist as I continue to unwind my body and plan to continue my education in myofascial release. My journey has helped me to understand the body and how it works. Because of this journey, I am now able to create a lasting effect by treating the cause, not just the symptoms.
As I look around at people’s postures I have noticed that most people have an exaggerated curved upper back, protracted shoulder blades and a head forward posture which is called hyperkyphosis. It is often accompanied by hyperlordosis which is in the lower back. This can happen with certain medical conditions such as osteoporosis, ankylosing spondylitis, Pott’s, and Scheuermann’s disease. If that is not an issue the main culprits are sustained poor posture (slouching or sleeping in the curled-up position) or emotional causes when unconsciously trying to appear small. Occupational sources can be excessive hours sitting and weightlifting since there is an overemphasis on the pectoralis and flexion strengthening exercises. Symptoms these people might be experiencing could be chronic headaches even migraines, sore tight shoulders, jaw issues, tight neck muscles, and nerve issues in the arms and hands. With really bad hyperkyphosis it can also affect our breathing.
This illustration of poor posture provides an idea of the pounds of pressure put on the cervical vertebrae with the increased curvature of the spine.

As long as the vertebrae are not fused the good news is this can be fixed. I am proof of that!
The treatment for hyperkyphosis is a massage once a week for 6 weeks which would include heating the shortened muscles, myofascial release, trigger point release, stretching techniques, and stimulation of the inhibited muscles. For homecare there is a stretch and strengthening plan to follow. Following the 6 weeks is an assessment to determine next steps (if any!). Everyone is different so there is no one size fits all solution. Results depend on where a person starts from and if they have been able to keep up with the homecare.
I look forward to seeing you,
Sheena Taggart RMT
Restore function and life through the re-education of muscles and elimination of pain.
I would like to thank Sheena for being a guest writer on my blog. Whether you feel you have hyperkyphosis or not, but aren’t quite feeling yourself physically, I encourage you to reach out to a Massage Therapist, Physiotherapist, Acupuncturist or Chiropractor in your local area.
If you need help finding someone, reach out and I can tap my network for you. Or if you want me to perform a postural assessment for you, either in-person or virtually, contact me!