Recently I met up with a Brilliant Researcher and fellow Health Coach. His specialty is everything related to Cognitive function. He is working on a cure for Alzheimer’s. More on that in a minute.
His approach and testing are a novel approach, so I can’t discuss any of the proprietary details, but I will share what I can.
One Saturday morning, I went over to his lab and he hooked my head (brain) up to a few different devices and then had me play a game on a computer. He didn’t tell me ahead of time how long this was going to take, (and in hindsight it didn’t take that long), but I kept wondering how long do I have to keep playing this game?
Ultimately, the results were the chart below. My brain was tested on these six metrics. As you can see, I scored outside the normal range on two of the scores. I am happy that my focus and plasticity were high, but judging by my overall score and speed, there is room for improvement.
This testing was done mid-morning and after a heavy strength training session. I wonder if my results would have been very different either first thing in the morning or later in the day. I guess that is an experiment to try next time.

Next, I put on some different devices for my head and a Pulse Oximeter (which tests for precise measurement of oxygen levels in the blood). We were doing two different things at once here.
I went through a breathing exercise, two times through and the results on my brain waves can be seen in the chart below.
My Delta brain wave frequencies have a dominance presence across all brain regions, followed by Theta. I also had lower ranges of Beta waves during this period. So, Delta is usually highest during sleep, and Beta is usually highest during awake periods, and my results were the opposite during this breathing exercise. There is more for me to explore here, but this tells me that we can change our brains, our moods and other physiological states through breath work.

Getting back to the Pulse Oximeter for a moment. We did a baseline before we started and I had an oxygen level of 97%, right in the normal range. Besides the affects on my brain waves, doing this breathing exercise, my blood oxygen levels dropped to 66%. Very cool!
I have been playing around with this technique since, and have been able to increase my breath hold.
The coolest result may be; I was on a recent scuba diving trip and my air lasted much longer. My wife always has more air left in her tank when we dive, but this time we tied on one dive and on the other I had more remaining.
These tests are definitely something I will keep doing periodically and where appropriate will recommend to my clients.
I believe many people could benefit from these tests and I can’t wait for them to be rolled out shortly. These are just a few of the assessments that are being implemented by the team at Brain Mechanics
for their Alzheimer’s Resolution cure to end Alzheimer’s this decade. For more information to get involved in their mission or to get these assessments and more done for yourself check them out.