My 4 Day Fast-Part 1 “The Physical Aspect”

Many of my clients or potential clients think about fasting quite often, mainly because people want to lose weight and often fasting can play a role in achieving that goal as well as other benefits like autophagy. Many are afraid of 4 day or longer fasts, and so was I, so I decided to do one myself.

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After my Epic summer vacation, why I got Epically sick? Part 4

To sum up why I got this nasty cold. It had nothing to do with who I did or did not interact with, or what the latest buzz on the news is. I slept poorly every night for greater than two weeks, and I did it to myself with poor decisions that caused an overload of inflammation that my mitochondria eventually could not keep up with.

Continue ReadingAfter my Epic summer vacation, why I got Epically sick? Part 4