You are not alone with these experiences, many others have gone through similar situations and I am one of them.
I spent a lot of my life feeling overwhelmed by the beliefs that I was unlovable and not good enough. I would get angry so quickly with strangers, my partner and even my family if I perceived that I was slighted in any way. I was always so exhausted from my negative emotions. In my mind, I made it about others, my financial situation, oftentimes I thought it was about my undiagnosed sickness or my weight and self-image of myself.
And while I have lost 100 lbs and put my autoimmune condition into remission, what I realized was, under the physical ailments there was a deeper root cause to those beliefs and emotions.
You see there was one single incident when I was 18 months old that embedded all the negative emotions and limiting beliefs in my mind. I have worked very hard throughout my life to achieve what I have, but at a great cost carrying these anchors around my neck. Once I did the work that I am going to share with you, so many things became easier for me. My relationships improved, my stress went down, my business decision making changed, and that has led to an increase in clients, the amount they spend with me, and more revenue.
My aim is to make you aware of your own blind spots during the workshop.